
Older Michiganian's Day- Take Action!

Watch the Older Michiganian's Day 2021 video!  It highlights the five critical areas to senior services for the state of Michigan, where support from legislators is needed, and how you can help. Together we can build communities of strength!

  • Promote the MI Choice waiver program, expand access for all who qualify, and seek program improvements which will allow MI choice to serve Medicaid beneficiaries more effectively.  This includes rebalancing of Medicaid funding.

  • Expand access to home & community-based services for older adults and persons with disabilities who are not Medicaid beneficiaries.

  •  Urge policymakers to expand access to affordable, reliable high-speed Internet for all Michigan residents, regardless of where they live in the state.

  • Advocate for increased pay for all direct care workers and support quality training programs which produce increased career opportunities.

  • Ask Legislature to revisit the establishment of the Kinship Caregiver Navigator program at the state level to assist kinship caregivers in attaining resources and training.

Platform for Legislative Action: PLATFORM DOCUMENT

The Area Agencies on Aging Association of Michigan has drafted advocacy letters and we encourage you to reach out to your local lawmakers on these important issues!

Download here: Letter to Senators  Letter to Representatives
