
For Caregivers







Programs & Resources

The role of a caregiver is both fulfilling and challenging especially because it can take on many different forms. Caregivers include family, friends, or paid helpers who provide care and assistance to people who need help taking care of themselves. The Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan offers various services to support caregivers on their caregiving journey.

Caregiver Resource Network

The Caregiver Resource Network (CRN) is a West Michigan-based collaboration of organizations that focus on the needs and well-being of both family and professional caregivers. CRN helps to connect caregivers with education, respite, support groups, and more.

View Calendar  Learn more


Family Caregiver University

Many family caregivers face challenges navigating the role due to having no training and limited support. Family Caregiver University (FCU) helps to bridge this gap by offering accessible and practical education to caregivers in West Michigan. Each class is taught by community-based experts and offers time for caregivers to learn, connect, and find support in one another.

View Calendar  Learn more




In-Home Living

Many resources exist to support older adults so that they can continue to live in the setting of their choice. It is important to honor the care recipient's wishes while also providing respite for caregivers to avoid burnout. Below are just a few of the options.

  • Adult Day: Adult Day Centers care for older adults for extended hours of the day. At an adult day center, individuals can take part in activities, exercise, socialize with others, and receive personal care while their caregivers have respite.
  • Dementia Friends Program: these one-hour informational sessions help organizations and individuals fully understand dementia and how to communicate effectively.
  • Respite: This service provides companionship or assistance with activities of daily living for older adults when their primary caregiver is unavailable or looking for support.
  • Transportation: transportation options for older adults exist to get them safely to medical appointments, grocery stores, and more, helping relieve some of the caregiver burden.
  • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: If the care provided is that of a grandparent looking after their grandchildren, then this program can provide intergenerational experiences and educational sessions.
  • Home Delivered Meals: for older adults who may not be able to get out to shop for their own groceries, home-delivered meals can be a great option. They’ll receive regular meal drop-offs of well-rounded meals.

If you have questions on further support available in your county or would like to be set up with the resources mentioned above, call the Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan at (616) 456-5664 or (888) 456-5664.


Sign Up for Upcoming Educational Sessions

We want caregivers to feel supported and recognized whether they are professional caregivers or informally caring for a loved one.

February Caregiver Events

Tuesdays, February 11 | February 18 | February 25
3:00 pm to 4:15 pm
Dementia Caregiving Workshop Series- VIRTUAL
This Dementia Caregiving workshop is a 3-session program for those caring for a person with dementia or Alzheimer’s. It assists with reducing caregiving stress by providing useful tools and information.
Register Here

Thursdays, February 27 | March 6 | March 13 | March 20
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Mindfulness and Meditation for Caregivers- VIRTUAL
Register Here

March Caregiver Events

Wednesday, March 5 
10:00 am @ 3215 Eaglecrest Drive NE
Family Caregiver University: Palliative Care and Hospice, What's the Difference?
Register Here

Tuesday, March 11 
8:00 am @ 3215 Eaglecrest Drive NE
Caregiver Resource Network: Network 180 Behavioral Health Crisis Center
Register Here

MI Virtual Caregiver Support Groups

Below is a flyer for four virtual support group options (General, Dementia, Kinship, and Professional) for anyone to join. These support groups will discuss issues, challenges, and concerns that caregivers face via Zoom.

state flyer