National Family Caregiver Month defines family caregiving as "any relative, partner, friend, or neighbor who has a significant personal relationship with, and provides a broad range of assistance for, an older person or an adult with a chronic or disabling condition. These individuals may be primary or secondary caregivers and live with, or separately from, the person receiving care."
Some of this assistance could include cooking, shopping, cleaning, driving to appointments, and general companionship, plus more. Many caregivers are family members or friends who do not receive payment or formal training. Often an adult child takes on caregiving responsibilities for an aging parent or parents, or a spouse/partner takes care of their loved one after a diagnosis like cancer, dementia, Parkinson’s, or an injury like a broken hip. In these cases, the caregiver is often thrust into their role with little or no warning, planning, or support. Becoming a caregiver in this way can feel overwhelming, scary, and isolating.
The Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan offers support for informal and family caregivers through Family Caregiver University (monthly in person meetings featuring speakers on various topics), respite certificates, written articles on caregiving and issues related to older adults, workshops on specific concerns like dementia and self-care, support groups, and special events like Caregiver Skills Training and Mindfulness and Meditation for Caregivers. As an Agency, we recognize the important role that family caregivers play towards our overall mission of helping older adults live in the home of their choice for as long as possible. Without the dedication of these unsung heroes, many older adults would be forced into nursing homes earlier. November is Family Caregiver Appreciation Month and Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan wishes to recognize the significant impact that family caregivers have on the community, often at personal sacrifice. As you are able, set aside some extra time for yourself. Join us for one of our caregiver offerings in December. Learn more at
Contact Heather Mauney, Contract Administrator Caregiver Services, for questions or more information about caregiver programs. Email or phone 616-256-0558.