Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources & AAAWM Programming Updates

A few helpful resources in regards to the coronavirus (COVID-19):
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Center for Disease Control and Prevention…/specific…/high-risk-complications.html
Kent County Health Department
Currently cancelled AAAWM programming:
In following the current recommendations of the CDC and in an effort to exercise abundant caution the following programs have been canceled, we will reevaluate extending this closure as time goes on. If you have any questions, please contact us at (616) 456-5664.
Healthy Aging Programming
Alzheimer's Support Group
Family Caregiver University
Senior Dental Day
Advocates for Senior Issues- March & April Meetings
Elder Abuse Task Force
The Medicaid/Medicare Assistance Program will continue to take phone calls as well at (800) 803-7174, but in-person counseling sessions have been suspended at this time.
RideLink, Kent County's collaborative senior transportation service, is continuing to operate as an essential service for necessary medical trips. Please call the RideLink office to check on ride availability: 616-774-1288. In addition, please note The Rapid’s updated operating schedule below, which will be the new GO!Bus schedule.
RideLink has available vehicles and drivers to deliver meals, food, and hygiene items to seniors. Those who are eligible for RideLink should connect with one of the following agencies or visit Hope Network, Senior Neighbors, UMCH-United Methodist Community House, or Community Action Kent County. The agency will help coordinate delivery through RideLink.
Ombudsman Program- COVID-19 Updates
The Local LTCO Program is following the Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs guidance and the State Long Term Care Ombudsman’s directions to limit any onsite visits. The Ombudsman will only visit facilities with approval from the State Office if a visit is deemed necessary due to an emergent need.
Advocacy support is being made available to residents of licensed long term care settings by phone, email exchange, go to meetings and the like to address questions and concerns. The LTCO will utilize the above means to respond to responsible parties, facility staff and community members.
The Region 8 Long Term Care Ombudsman main contact number is: 616-245-9451
You can also read National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care's "COVID-19 and Nursing Homes: What Residents and Families Need to Know." fact sheet here.